Efecto – (Spanish)


Even when they are silent, hard to read, shy, or unexpressive, people are transmitting “something” from their unique and individualized essence.

Even when asleep, quiet, distant, or with their backs turned, people are constantly sharing something from their lives with those around them. Through the simple miracle of continual breathing, we project an image, our internal climate that transcends and reveals our “personal” air. No one knows what to call it, but there it is!

This experiential and personal “breath” is neither heard, seen, nor felt, but you exhale it from within upon people, permeate the atmosphere with it, and even seem to leave your environment soaked in it. It is your marvelous footprint, your very own trademark.

This is El efecto. No one knows where it comes from, but it is always there. It is your indescribable, intangible, fantastic differential that connects you in an exclusive way with others and makes you unique and unrepeatable.

It is this intangible yet ever so real “who knows what” that will draw you through the pages of this fascinating book, El efecto. You will want to devour it in a day to figure out what your effect has been throughout your life.

Aun cuando permanezcan callados, hermeticos, timidos e inexpresivos, todos los individuos transmiten “algo”, desde su esencia particular y unica.

Incluso dormidos, quietos, distantes o de espaldas, siempre infunden parte de sus vidas en las otras personas a su alrededor. Tan solo con el milagro permanente de respirar, proyectan una imagen. Un clima interior que trasciende y revela el “aire” personal. Nadie sabe como llamarlo, pero es evidente que !ahi esta!

Ese “soplo” vivencial y personal, no se oye, ni se ve, ni se siente, pero usted lo exhala desde su interior sobre las personas, lo infunde en el ambiente y hasta parece que lo deja impregnado en su entorno. Es su maravillosa huella. Su marca personal.

Eso es El efecto. Nadie sabe donde le queda, pero ahi esta siempre. Es su diferencial indescriptible, intangible y fantastico, que lo conecta de manera exclusiva con los demas y lo hace unico e irrepetible.

Y es justo ese “no se que” intangible, pero tan real, lo que lo llevara por las paginas de este fascinante libro de El efecto, que querra devorar en un dia, para saber cual ha sido su EFECTO de toda una vida.

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SKU (ISBN): 9781602558878
ISBN10: 1602558876
Language: Spanish
Sonia Gonzalez-Boysen
Binding: Trade Paper
Published: March 2013
Publisher: Groupo Nelson

Print On Demand Product